Franklin Safe Drop-Off and Pickup
Franklin Safe Drop-Off and Pickup
All students will be dropped off in front of Franklin School (Lakeside Street). We will have staff ready to greet students and support them entering the school building.
Car Riders:
All students being dropped off by car will pull up by the playground on Lakeside St. Staff will open up the car door for your student(s) and help them out of the car. Adults can stay in the car to ensure a smooth and quick drop-off in the morning.
Walkers and Bikers:
If you or your student(s) are riding bikes to school, please walk your bikes onto the playground. Bikes can be locked on the rack outside of Door 1.
When students enter the school in the morning, they will have the option to pick up breakfast in the cafeteria. They will take their breakfast right to their classrooms to eat. This offers students a chance to get to know their peers and teachers. Breakfast will be served from 7:25 - 7:40am each day. If your student will be eating breakfast at school, plan to consistently have them arrive to school before 7:40am.
If your student is dropped off after 7:40, please drop them off at Door 1 (Lakeside Street).
All students will be dismissed in front of Franklin School (Lakeside Street). We will have staff available to support students during dismissal.
At dismissal, we will have buses parked on Lakeside Street for students. All students being picked up after school will meet their adult on or near the front lawn. Families and caretakers should park their vehicle and walk to meet their student(s) on the playground/blacktop.
Please try to keep early pick-ups to a minimum. Early pick-ups after 2:30p (1:05p on Mondays) will need to wait until dismissal time per district policy unless it is an emergency.
- Do not make a U-turn in the middle of Lakeside Street. All students will be dropped off and picked up in the front of the school along Lakeside Street and safety is our biggest priority. Follow all traffic laws when dropping off and picking up students.
- Do not walk between buses when they are parked on Lakeside Street. We want to keep all of our Franklin community safe. Walking between buses is very dangerous, as cars cannot see you clearly. We reinforce this with our students and appreciate your support with this.
- We have a crossing guard on the corner of Lakeside and Rowell. Please, only cross at that crosswalk instead of navigating behind the buses and crossing in the middle of Lakeside St. We recognize that this may be out of the way, but keeping you and your students safe is our first priority. Thank you for modeling this for your students and helping us keep our Franklin School community safe.
- During arrival and dismissal times at Franklin, do not bring family pets to school. During these times of the day, there are many students walking around and students may be afraid or allergic to animals, especially dogs.
- Please walk your bikes on school grounds to keep our students and staff safe.